Lena Katina Responds to Fan Questions

(Updated September 20th, 2024)

Lena Katina has been answering questions submitted by fans on her VK page in an on-going series. Here are the questions she has answered so far:

Will you return to the initial team in America? Will there be video shoots with American directors and will you come back to the band which took part in recording Lena’s first album?
The guys are all doing their own thing. We are constantly writing to each other, asking how each is doing. But we no longer work together. I am in Russia, they are in America. Collaborating is hard. I have a Russian team here.

When is the deluxe version of the This Is Who I Am album going to be released? You promised!!!
Yes, I promised at one point. But I did not get around to it and doubt I ever will. This was so many years ago, that, to be honest, I do not see the point in spending time on it. Everything there is dated already.

How do you find balance (and do you even look for it), when coming up with and releasing tracks, between what you like personally and what will be popular?
I try to find a balance. I cannot, at all, sing what I do not like. So, I sing only what I like and I hope that the larger part of people will like it. Right now I have plans to record new songs. I am coming out of maternity leave, so I will now be diligently working on coming up with new material.

Is there a concert planned for Saint Petersburg?
Yes, there is one planned. The closest one will be on October 5th. Ruki VVerh Bar. I will be happy to see you.

Do you have plans (even in the long term) to tour in Europe? We are waiting for you in England!
Right now everything is difficult with Europe as we know, so for now I will be going around Russia.

Which perfume are you using right now?
I have two favorite perfume scents – this is “Bond No 9 Chinatown” and “X Clive Christian”. So I use them one after the other. I also love “Thierry Mugler Angel Innocent”. These are probably my three favorite perfumes.

What about recording lullabies?
I had an idea to record an album of lullabies, but right now it remains as just an idea.

Did you have time to read while you were on maternity leave? What was memorable? We always value Lena’s recommendations a lot.
Overall I re-read books about children’s psychology during my maternity leave. Ludmila Petranovskaya, Julia Gippenreiter. I was getting ready for another child to appear, so I did not, unfortunately, read anything too literary. When my child was born, I did not have too much time to read.

What is the most beautiful place on earth?
The earth has so many beautiful places, I cannot pick out just one to be honest.

Will there be concert tours?
I do not know about tours. I am, after all, a mother of two children, so touring is kind of not for me. I try to dedicate a good amount of time to family. But concerts will definitely happen in different cities. I will come out for performances, and hopefully, we will meet each other everywhere.

How do you stay calm during live concerts and red carpets, keep your composure and sing when everyone is screaming and getting in the way of your singing?
It does not interfere with my singing, actually. I am used to these things, so I take this well. And without this it is harder than with it. It is hard to sing when the public is sitting quietly or standing quietly, not giving back any emotional connection. So it is better if everyone is screaming.

Source: Lena Katina’s Official VK Page [Post 1, Post 2, Post 3]