Lena Katina Responds to Fan Questions

Sep 10, 2024

Lena Katina has been answering questions submitted by fans on her VK page in an on-going series. Here are the questions she has answered so far:

Will you return to the initial team in America? Will there be video shoots with American directors and will you come back to the band which took part in recording Lena’s first album?
The guys are all doing their own thing. We are constantly writing to each other, asking how each is doing. But we no longer work together. I am in Russia, they are in America. Collaborating is hard. I have a Russian team here.

When is the deluxe version of the This Is Who I Am album going to be released? Your promised!!!
Yes, I promised at one point. But I did not get around to it and doubt I ever will. This was so many years ago, that, to be honest, I do not see the point in spending time on it. Everything there is dated already.

How do you find balance (and do you even look for it), when coming up with and releasing tracks, between what you like personally and what will be popular?
I try to find a balance. I cannot, at all, sing what I do not like. So, I sing only what I like and I hope that the larger part of people will like it. Right now I have plans to record new songs. I am coming out of maternity leave, so I will now be diligently working on coming up with new material.


t.A.T.u. Media