Вся Моя Любовь (Vsya Moya Lubov’ / All My Love)
ощущения / feelings
искажения… / distortions…
я же и не я / I am not I
кажусь… / it seems
у реки во сне / by a river in a dream
огоньки и снег… / lights and snow…
таю и кружу / I melt and spin
кружусь… / I am spinning…
и сверкает река, и мелькают мосты – / and the river flickers, and bridges are flashing by –
и скользят два зверька в катафалках пустых… / and two animals are sliding in empty hearses…
… не свернешь; sorry, все стерли… /…can’t roll it up; sorry, everything has been erased
а ему все равно – голубой-голубой… / it doesn’t matter for him – a blue, blue…
шарик будет лететь – без тебя и с тобой… / balloon will fly without and with you…
… не вернешь… sorry, все стерли… / …can’t get it back…sorry, everything has been erased…
и на всю катушку, ловушку, психушку – / and at full force, a trap, a mental hospital
как волчок игрушку, завертит игрушку / like a top, the toy will be spun
в с я м о я л ю б о в ь… / a l l o f m y l o v e…
ощущения… / feelings…
я вообще не я… / I am not at all myself…
я как снег кружусь / I am spinning like snow
кажусь… / seeming…
и приснятся во сне – огоньки-январи / and January lights will com in a dream
апельсиновый снег на твои фонари / orange snow on your lanterns
… не вернешь… sorry, стерли / … can’t get it back… sorry, it has been erased
и себя не найдешь в нелюбимых домах / and you won’t find yourself in hated homes
и нарвешься на страх как на минах впотьмах / you will be filled with fear like in mines in the darkness
… не вернешь… sorry, стерли / … can’t get it back… sorry, it’s been erased
орбитальный мусор – предатели, трусы… / orbiting garbage – betrayers, wimps…
мертвое бессмертье, их вертит, вертит / dead without death, they’re spinning, spinning
в с я м о я л ю б о в ь… / a l l o f m y l o v e…
- “Vsya Moya Lyubov” was included in the international version of the album Dangerous and Moving, but only in Russian. The group found the lyrics written by Valeriy Polienko unique and decided not to translate them into English.
- Valeriy Polienko said that the song is about “how breaking up is very, very, very painful.”
- This is the only song from the “Ludi Invalidi” album to never have been performed live.
“Vsya Moya Lubov’”/”All My Love” is a song about a relationship that is over and the pain that comes with it.
ощущения / feelings
искажения… / distortions…
я же и не я / I am not I
кажусь… / seeming…
у реки во сне / by a river in a dream
огоньки и снег… / lights and snow…
таю и кружу / melt and spin
кружусь… / I am spinning…
The subject tells us right away how they feel – they are emotional and don’t seem like themselves. They are all over the place, like snow that is flying through the air in many directions.
и сверкает река, и мелькают мосты – / and the river flickers, and bridges are flashing –
и скользят два зверька в катафалках пустых… / and two animals are sliding in empty hearses…
… не свернешь; sorry, все стерли… /…can’t pull over; sorry, everything has been erased
A hearse is driving on a road, passing a river and bridges, with two little animals in the back. The two animals refer to the people in the relationship. The hearse represents death, in this case the death of the relationship. And there is no way to stop the hearse – the course is set for these two little animals, their relationship has been erased. (The last line of this section changes to second person – it could either mean that the subject of the song is telling themselves “sorry, everything has been erased” or someone else is talking to them and reminding them. The song continues in second tense until the chorus, after which is switches back to first person, then again to second, and once more to first for the final chorus.)
а ему все равно – голубой-голубой… / it doesn’t matter for him – a blue, blue…
шарик будет лететь – без тебя и с тобой… / balloon will fly without and with you…
… не вернешь… sorry, все стерли… / …can’t get it back…sorry, everything has been erased…
And although the relationship is over, the other person doesn’t seem to care. (One would think that after a breakup both people would suffer the same, that they would miss how good they felt when they were together. But, that is not always the case. One person can sometimes be unaffected, which can make the pain for the other so much worse.) And again there is a reminder that what was there cannot be brought back, it is gone now.
и на всю катушку, ловушку, психушку – / and at full force, a trap, a mental hospital
как волчок игрушку, завертит игрушку / like a top, the toy will be spun
This part of the song is the buildup to the chorus, talking about how the feelings of the heartbreak are so intense that it drives the subject mad. Again, they are “spinning around”, meaning their thoughts and emotions are going in so many directions that they feel like they are going to lose their mind.
в с я м о я л ю б о в ь… / a l l m y l o v e…
Although the chorus is only three words, the way in which Julia sings this makes it the most powerful part of the song. Her vocals capture the emotion, frustration, pain and sadness that is felt over the breakup. “All my love” means exactly what is written – the other person was the subject’s everything, they gave so much of their heart, they gave them all of their love…and now it’s gone. Pay attention to the intensity of the music in this part of the song – there has been a buildup up until this point with the lyrics, the vocals and the instrumental. When the chorus is sung there is an explosion in the music and the voice to highlight the pain and the intensity of the subjects’ emotions. It lasts for quite a while to really let us know how strong the suffering is, that these type of feelings of anguish can last for a while. However, by 2:41 the instrumental returns to a more calm state – again, this is representative of mental and emotional turmoil and goes back to the lines “I am not I / I am spinning”. In this kind of situation a person can go through intense periods of suffering, but eventually they calm down…only to get back to a chaotic sate once more, which happens within the song.
ощущения… / feelings…
я вообще не я… / i am not myself…
я как снег кружусь / i am spinning like the snow
кажусь… / seeming…
Again, the subject reminds us of how much they are going through emotionally, they are not stable.
и приснятся во сне – огоньки-январи / and January lights will come in a dream
апельсиновый снег на твои фонари / orange snow on your lanterns
… не вернешь… sorry, стерли / … can’t get it back… sorry, it’s been erased
In memories and dreams better times will be remembered, like January lights, which could be a reference to the holiday time (New Year’s Eve, holiday decorations and such). “Orange snow on your lanterns” seems to refer to how lantern lights make snow appear orange at night (snow is referenced a lot in this song and along with a reference to January it could indicate the the breakup happened some time in the winter). Once again there is a reminder that the happy memories are just that – memories. Everything good that happened is now gone.
и себя не найдешь в нелюбимых домах / and you won’t find yourself in hated homes
и нарвешься на страх как на минах впотьмах / you will run into fear like into mines in the dark
… не вернешь… sorry, стерли / … can’t get it back… sorry, it’s been erased
The subject will not ever find themselves in the home of their ex – a place where love stopped existing. And with this realization fear strikes and a panic emerges, making the person realize that nothing will ever be the same, that the comfort and love that was once there is gone.
орбитальный мусор – предатели, трусы… / orbiting garbage – betrayers, wimps…
мертвое бессмертье, их вертит, вертит / dead without death, they’re spinning, spinning
в с я м о я л ю б о в ь… / a l l m y l o v e…
And here we see a different side of the subject’s narrative, describing their ex as garbage, a betrayer, and a coward. This is going back to the theme of “the dangerous and moving”, who are “the living dead” with no true emotions attached to them (the line “the blue balloon will fly with and without you” makes more sense now as we see why the other person is fine with the breakup). And these people keep spinning, meaning they go from person to person, hurting them in the process…they are “perilous and looming”. The song ends with “all my love”, emphasizing that no matter how angry the subject is with their ex and how much realization they have had of who this person really was, it doesn’t change the fact that it still hurts to go through all this and that the subjects’ feelings were genuine and deep.
Towards the end of the song the music starts to get calmer and calmer, losing momentum, and has a reduction in the amount of instruments used, eventually ending with only one instrument playing. This represents the subjects’ emotions gradually subsiding emotions – although the subject went through a lot and it was a very emotionally-intensive period, eventually these feelings of sadness and suffering fade away. It is a gradual process that takes a while to get through, but eventually the thoughts and feelings end.