
Prostiye Dvizheniya

Я продолжаю простые движенья / I continue simple motions
Ты продолжаешь мои продолженья / You continue my continuations
Я – это ты, а ты – это я / I am you, and you are me
И я повторяю… Я повторяю… / And I repeat…I repeat…

Хочешь – молчи, жди, что пройдёт, а / If you want then be quiet, wait to see what happens, or 
Хочешь ключи, два оборота / If you want the keys, two turns
Хочешь – своя, хочешь – чужая / If you want – your own, if you want –  an unfamiliar one
Хочешь как я, и я продолжаю / If you want like me, I continue

Простые движенья / Simple motions
Я продолжаю / I continue
Простые движенья / Simple motions
Я продолжаю / I continue
Простые движенья / Simple motions
Я продолжаю / I continue
Я продолжаю… / I continue
Простые движенья, простые движенья / Simple motions, simple motions
Простые движенья, простые движенья / Simple motions, simple motions

Мы продолжаем простые движенья / We continue simple motions
Мы продолжаем для продолженья / We continue to continue
Не задавай эти вопросы / Do not ask these questions
Просто давай, двигайся просто / Just come on, just move

Это любовь, скачут пружинки / This is love, springs are bouncing
Завтра любой меньше снежинки / Tomorrow anyone is smaller than a snowflake
Надо успеть, не возражая / You have to make it in time, not objecting
Надо уметь жить, продолжая / You have to know how to live, continuing

Простые движенья / Simple motions
Жить, продолжая / Live, continuing
Простые движенья / Simple motions
Жить, продолжая / Live, continuing
Простые движенья / Simple motions
Жить, продолжая / Live, continuing
Простые движенья… / Simple motions…
Простые движенья, простые движенья / Simple motions, simple motions
Простые движенья, простые движенья / Simple motions, simple motions

Я продолжаю! / I continue!

Простые движенья, простые движенья / Simple motions, simple motions
Простые движенья, простые движенья / Simple motions, simple motions
Простые движенья, простые движенья / Simple motions, simple motions
Простые движенья / Simple motions

Простые движенья, простые движенья / Simple motions, simple motions
Простые движенья, простые движенья / Simple motions, simple motions
Простые движенья, простые движенья / Simple motions, simple motions

Demo Versions

On June 21, 2017, the following was posted on t.A.T.u.’s official VK page:

The instrumental version of one of the very first versions of “Prostiye Dvizheniya” has appeared online. The demo version, the author of its music being the composer Mars Lasar, has been added to a huge archive 5 years ago. The full instrumental version (which was released back in the year 2000 as part of the “Big Box” EP) became available today.

An expert from an interview with the composer:

SR: It would be interesting to know the story of your collaboration with t.A.T.u. Do you really consider them as expressive and professional singers? In Russia the relationship to t.A.T.u. is very different.

Mars: When the t.A.T.u. girls came to my studio the first time, right away they appeared to me as very energetic, professional and talented. Working with them gave me a lot of joy, it was something new, captivating.

Source: t.A.T.u.’s Official VK Page

This version has a different lyrics than the final version in the first verse.:

Ты продолжаешь простые движения / You continue simple motions
Я продолжаю твои продолжения / I continue your continuations
Мы как и все, не нарушаем / We are like everyone, not violating
Мы продолжаем, мы продолжаем / We continue, we continue

По кольцевой и до конечной / In a circle and until the end
Утро и вечер, круто* и вечно / Morning and night, circular* and forever
Тихо, как все – не нарушаем / Quiet like everyone – not violating
Мы продолжаем, мы продолжаем / We continue, we continue

*This could also be translated as “cool”

Another demo version contains additional lyrics in the end:

Легко и красиво. / Easy and beautiful.
Cама просила. / You asked for it yourself.
Имей напряжения. / Have force.

Another version contains different lyrics in the second verse: 

Мы продолжаем простые движения. / We continue simple motions.
Уничтожаем на поражение. / We destroy on defeat.
Где-то находишь, где-то теряешь. / Somewhere you find, somewhere you lose.
Я повторяю. Ты повторяешь. / I repeat. You repeat.

This version of the song also has a different instrumental and bridge, which has the girls singing “prostiye dvizheniya” in reverse.

Song Details

The video was shot in April 2002 in Moscow and the director of the video was t.A.T.u.’s producer Ivan Shapovalov who appeared in the video for several seconds.

On May 27th, 2002 the band presented the song in Donetsk, Ukraine. The video for the song was presented on May 30th, 2002 in club Marika in Moscow where the girls’ parents were present along with a group of deputies from the state duma of Russia as well as journalists. A member of the security committee of the state duma, Victor Cherepkov, offered to show the clip at a parliament session. In the words of deputy Andrew Filf from the Union of Right Forces, he first thought that Julia was sleeping, not masturbating. URF head deputy Boris Nadezhdin expressed hope that in the future the girls, “moving from same-sex love to masturbation, will find themselves a good man”.

In an interview with The London Times, Julia said, “My mom saw the video and I told her about masturbating in it. But she just laughed and said that she liked it a lot”. Moscow duma deputies demanded to perform an examination of “the most attention-drawing scenes” in the video where Volkova “is committing or simulating sexual activity”.

Source: t.A.T.u.’s Russian Wikipedia Page


The only official CD which “Prostie Dvizheniya” was ever featured on was t.A.T.u.’s 2004 Remixes.

The video became the winner of “Best Video” during the 2003 Muz-TV Awards

Julia: “The video is very interesting, the way it was shot was also interesting…”
Lena: “This is the first video which we shot separate from one another.”

When accepting the award for “Best Video”:
Julia: Well, as always, it is a pleasure. Thank you!

During the post award acceptance interview:
What did you experience when you heard your name?
Julia: Nothing, absolutely nothing. We reacted to this absolutely calmly. This is just another award and we do not even know where to put them anymore.
Lena: We worry more about others than about ourselves. When someone else wins then we we jump and hop around. When it’s us, it is like…

Music Video

A version of the video shown on Russia’s NTV channel shows scenes not present in the regular music video.

The Prostiye Dvizheniya music video uses a lot of archive footage, which Ivan Shapovalov said he sourced from the Krasnogorsk archive and private film and photo archive.