Новая Модель (Novaya Model’ / New Model)
cлова не слышно – автопилоты / Can’t hear words, autopilots
включили запись – аплодисменты. / The recordings have been turned on, applause
вот так все вышло – неважно кто ты, / This is how everything turned out, no matter who you are
такие эти эксперименты: / These kind of experiments:
что не началось / What has not begun
все кончается / Everything is ending
честная любовь не случается / Honest love is not happening
сдует ветер и заметет метель / The wind will blow and a blizzard will sweep
но останусь я, я – / But I will remain, I
новая модель / A new model*
круговороты, все эти сделки / Rotations, all these transactions
все это мелко – неважно кто ты / All of this is small, no matter who you are
автопилоты, колеса, белки: / Autopilots, wheels, squirrels:
колеса, белки, автопилоты: / Wheels, squirrels, autopilots:
что не началось / What has not begun
все кончается / Everything is ending
честная любовь не случается / Honest love is not happening
сдует ветер и заметет метель / The wind will blow and a blizzard will sweep
но останусь я, я – / But I will remain, I
новая модель / A new model
что не началось / What has not begun
все кончается / Everything is ending
честная любовь не случается / Honest love is not happening
сдует ветер и заметет метель / The wind will blow and a blizzard will sweep
но останусь я, я – / But I will remain, I
новая модель / A new model
*Model in this context means “form” or “specimen
cлова не слышно – автопилоты / Can’t hear words, autopilots
включили запись – аплодисменты. / The recordings have been turned on, applause
вот так все вышло – неважно кто ты, / This is how everything turned out, no matter who you are
такие эти эксперименты: / These kinds of experiments:
This person is not paying attention to the words of others and is acting on “auto-pilot” a.k.a. acting without self-awareness: They are hurting others with their actions, but are not paying attention to the people who they hurt and what they have to say, not caring or realizing that their actions are affecting others. “This is how everything turned out, no matter who you are”- No matter who you are, this person will treat you just as bad, without any true love, just as an object, and hurt you. The person goes on to explain the experiments they participate in- the process of their relationships:
что не началось / What has not begun
все кончается / Everything is ending
честная любовь не случается / Honest love is not happening
сдует ветер и заметет метель / The wind will blow and a blizzard will sweep
но останусь я, я – / But I will remain, I-
новая модель / A new model*
This person goes into a relationship and before anything can really develop, they end it- it’s over before it’s even begun, there is no true love…perhaps just sex…they are just using the other person. “The wind will blow and a blizzard will sweep”- this relationship will end, the person will wipe their hands clean of it and move on, they will “remain”- they will not be affected, they won’t care, they’ll continue on with their lives. This person describes themselves as a “new model”, meaning that they are a different type of person and are well aware of that, a “Dangerous & Moving” type. These types of people, these “models”, are those who don’t care for others, who can’t express true love, who are liars, cheaters, and users. This person is a “human fake” just as describe in the “Ludi Invalidi” CD booklet.
круговороты, все эти сделки / Rotations, all these transactions
все это мелко – неважно кто ты / All of this is small, no matter who you are
автопилоты, колеса, белки: / Autopilots, wheels, squirrels:
колеса, белки, автопилоты: / Wheels, squirrels, autopilots:
The person continues to do the same thing over and over and does not care. They hurt one person and once they are done with them they go on to hurt another. They consider their painful and horrible actions to be “small”- they mean nothing to them, they do not care how much pain they cause others. “No matter who you are”- it does not matter who this person comes in contact with, they will treat them with the same disrespect as they have everyone else.
что не началось / What has not begun
все кончается / Everything is ending
честная любовь не случается / Honest love is not happening
сдует ветер и заметет метель / The wind will blow and a blizzard will sweep
но останусь я, я – / But I will remain, I
новая модель / A new model*
что не началось / What has not begun
все кончается / Everything is ending
честная любовь не случается / Honest love is not happening
сдует ветер и заметет метель / The wind will blow and a blizzard will sweep
но останусь я, я – / But I will remain, I
новая модель / A new model
In the English version of this song, “Perfect Enemy”, some lines help give a clearer meaning to this song:
Why should I welcome
Your domination
No more compassion
Not sentimental
I am now something
This person does not want to be in a relationship and be “dominated”, does not want to be controlled or told what to do. They are not interested in “compassion” or other feelings that love is linked with, they want to be “experimental”- hook up with different people and just have sex rather than be in a relationship with them, they want to experiment…however, their actions end up hurting the people they come in contact with and they may not even realize the harm they are causing.