Ничья (Nich’ya / No One’s)
Любые отдам мечты / I’ll give away any dreams
За то, чтоб туда, где ты / To be where you are
Ты знаешь меня / You know me
Я все променяю / I’ll exchange everything
Любые отдам мечты / Give away any dreams
Профиль и анфас / Profile and the full face
Живыми возьмут не нас / Us they won’t take alive
Мы отвернемся / We’ll turn away
Мы ведь вернемся / We’ll be back
Мы не в последний раз / Not our last time
Только ты знаешь я / Only, you know I
Очень хочу тебя / Want you very much
Я ведь теперь / It seems that now I am
Ничья / No ones
Просто это рефлекс / It’s just a reflex
Наш неправильный текст* / Our incorrect text
Или словами что-то сломали / Either we broke something with words
Или соврали без / Or lied without them
Страх одиноких глаз / Fear in lonely eyes
Никто не пойдет за нас / No one will come for us
Каждый один / Everyone alone
Не уходи / Don’t go
Мы не в последний раз / This is not our last time
*This like has been altered from the original version, which was:
Наш неправильный секс / Our incorrect sex
Though this is a soft and simple song, Nichya has many feelings in it. It is about wanting someone, but not being able to have them because you are with someone else, but eventually having the opportunity to be together in the end.
Любые отдам мечты / I’ll give away any dreams
За то, чтоб туда, где ты / To be where you are
Ты знаешь меня / You know me
Я все променяю / I’ll exchange everything
Любые отдам мечты / Give away any dreams
The subject of the song is expressing their feelings for someone and saying they would do anything to be with them.
Профиль и анфас / Profile and the full face
Живыми возьмут не нас / Us they won’t take alive
Мы отвернемся / We’ll turn away
Мы ведь вернемся / We’ll be back
Мы не в последний раз / Not our last time
Although they cannot be together now, the subject is certain that they and the person they has feeling for will be together eventually. There is a reason the two can’t be together, so they will go into opposite directions, but are confident they’ll be back for one another.
Только ты знаешь я / Only, you know I
Очень хочу тебя / Want you very much
Я ведь теперь / It seems that now I am
Ничья / No one’s
Once again the subject of the song is expressing their feelings for the other person. They are now letting them know that they are finally single, they belong to no one, and that the two of them can be together.
Просто это рефлекс / It’s just a reflex
Наш неправильный текст* / Our incorrect text
This part of the song seems to be disclosing more about the previous relationship the subject was in: Though the subject and their former lover were together, there was no love left. To be literal, the two just went through the motions of the relationship, slept with one another, said things you say to someone when you’re with them, but none of it was meaningful because there were no feelings left.
Или словами что-то сломали / Either we broke something with words
Или соврали без / Or lied without them
The relationship between these two people ended for whatever reason, either with what they said to one another (had a fight), or what they did to one another (cheated). You can even interpret that the reason for the relationship being over is due to the new love the subject has that they are singing about. Their feelings transferred to someone else and the subject either ended the relationship with words or began seeing this new person without saying anything to their partner.
Страх одиноких глаз / Fear in lonely eyes
Никто не пойдет за нас / No one will come for us
Каждый один / Everyone alone
Не уходи / Don’t go
Мы не в последний раз / This is not our last time
Now the subject of the song is alone and scared and sees potential in making a connection that they never got to make with this new person they have feelings for and calls for them. The subject is alone after the breakup, but now has the option to be with someone new.