
Ne Ver, Ne Boisea, Ne Prosi

Разные ночи, разные люди / Different nights, different people
Хочет – не хочет, любит – не любит / Wants, doesn’t want, loves, doesn’t love
Кто то отстанет, кто-то соскочит / Someone will fall behind, someone will jump off
Кто-то устанет и перехочет… / Someone will get tired and change their mind…

Кто-то закрутит провод на клеммы / Someone will wrap a wire around clamps
Кто-то замутит новые темы / Someone will stir up new topics
Кто-то понты, а кто-то маньяк / Someone is a show off, and someone is a maniac
Кто-то как ты, кто-то как я… / Someone is like you, someone is like me…

Не зажигай и не гаси / Don’t ignite and don’t extinguish
Не верь, не бойся, не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)
И успокойся, и успокойся / And relax, and calm down
Не верь, не бойся, не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)
Не верь, не бойся, не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)
Не верь, не бойся / Don’t believe, don’t fear
Не верь, не бойся / Don’t believe, don’t fear
Не верь, не бойся и не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear and don’t as (for)

Где-то есть много, то, чего мало / Somewhere there is a lot of what’s little
Но на дорогах будет облава / But on the road there will be a round-up
Кто-то рискнет, а кто-то не сможет / Someone will risk it, someone won’t be able to
Кто-то поймет, но не поможет…/ Someone will understand, but won’t help…
Кто-то уйдет, кто-то вернется / Someone will leave, someone will come back
Кто-то найдет новое солнце / Someone will find a new sun
Кто-то в кусты, а кто-то в меня / Someone into the bushes, someone into me
Кто-то как ты, кто-то как я… / Someone is like you, someone is like me

Не зажигай и не гаси / Don’t ignite and don’t extinguish
Не верь, не бойся, не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)
И успокойся, и успокойся / And relax, and calm down
Не верь, не бойся, не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)
Не верь, не бойся, не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)
Не верь, не бойся / Don’t believe, don’t fear
Не верь, не бойся / Don’t believe, don’t fear
Не верь, не бойся и не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear and don’t as (for)

Не зажигай и не гаси / Don’t ignite and don’t extinguish
Не верь, не бойся, не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)
И успокойся, и успокойся / And relax, and calm down
Не верь, не бойся, не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)
Не верь, не бойся, не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)
Не верь, не бойся / Don’t believe, don’t fear
Не верь, не бойся / Don’t believe, don’t fear
Не верь, не бойся и не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear and don’t as (for)

Lyric Interpretation

Разные ночи, разные люди / Different nights, different people
Хочет – не хочет, любит – не любит / Wants, doesn’t want, loves, doesn’t love
Кто то отстанет, кто-то соскочит / Someone will fall behind, someone will jump off
Кто-то устанет и перехочет… / Someone will get tired and change their mind…

Кто-то закрутит провод на клеммы / Someone will wrap a wire around clamps
Кто-то замутит новые темы / Someone will stir up new topics
Кто-то понты, а кто-то маньяк / Someone is a show off, and someone is a maniac
Кто-то как ты, кто-то как я… / Someone is like you, someone is like me…

These are just examples of the different kinds of people there are in the world that one will encounter- some people are like this, some people are like that.

Не зажигай и не гаси / Don’t ignite and don’t extinguish
Не верь, не бойся, не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)
И успокойся, и успокойся / And relax, and calm down
Не верь, не бойся, не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)
Не верь, не бойся, не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)
Не верь, не бойся / Don’t believe, don’t fear
Не верь, не бойся / Don’t believe, don’t fear
Не верь, не бойся и не проси / Don’t believe, don’t fear and don’t as (for)

This seems to be advice on how to protect yourself from people who can hurt you. “Don’t believe”- If you believe everyone around you, if you are gullible and too trustworthy, then people will walk all over you, lie to you, take advantage of you. “Don’t fear”- If you are afraid of someone or something, they can use your fear to their advantage…fear is weakness. When you let people know you are afraid they overpower you. “Don’t ask (for)”- Asking for help is also seen as a weakness, you should be independent and be able to help yourself. When you ask for help, you rely on others and become dependent on them. “Don’t believe, don’t fear, don’t ask (for)” is advice on how to avoid being taken advantage of and how to not rely on others. There are several ways in which you can fall prey to people, so try to avoid them. “And relax, and relax”- Relax, everything will work out fine, you don’t need them, you can do it.

Где-то есть много, то, чего мало / Somewhere there is a lot of what’s little
Но на дорогах будет облава / But on the road there will be a round-up
Кто-то рискнет, а кто-то не сможет / Someone will risk it, someone won’t be able to
Кто-то поймет, но не поможет…/ Someone will understand, but won’t help…
Кто-то уйдет, кто-то вернется / Someone will leave, someone will come back
Кто-то найдет новое солнце / Someone will find a new sun
Кто-то в кусты, а кто-то в меня / Someone into the bushes, someone into me
Кто-то как ты, кто-то как я… / Someone is like you, someone is like me

“Somewhere there is a lot of what’s little”- there are people who naturally have a lot of good in them- have great personalities, traits, are friendly, help others, will be there for you, won’t abandon you, etc., but there are few of those kinds of people. “But on the road there will be a round-up”- in the end we will see who comes through, who turns out to be your friend, who helps you and who doesn’t. There are people who will stay by your side and there are people who will walk away, some will understand your problem and help you, some will understand, but do nothing to help. We are being taught and told to be self-sufficient and self-reliant because you will find out that if you depend on people too much they will disappoint you and let you down.

Music Video

The t-shirts Julia & Lena are wearing while on the beach and riding in the convertible feature a graphic with a green dragon and the text “The Happy Dream Opium Den. Where good fiends meet. Juvenile delinquents welcome!”. 

The music video for Ne Ver, Ne Boise, Ne Prosi uses several clips sourced from other media, which include: