Досчитай До Ста / Doschitai Do Sta / Count to 100

Он сказал: “Я устал”. / He said, “I am tired”.
И его не вернуть./ And you can’t make him come back.
Ты считаешь до 100, / You count to 100,
Ты мечтаешь уснуть. / You dream of falling asleep.

Ты считаешь до 100, / You count to 100,
100 случайных имен, / 100 random names,
А тебе надо спать и не думать о нем, / But you need to sleep and not think about him, 
А тебе надо спать и не думать о нем, / But you need to sleep and not think about him, 
А тебе надо спать и не думать о нем, / But you need to sleep and not think about him, 

Твоя лодка пуста / Your boat is empty
У чужих берегов./ At unfamiliar bays.
Ты считаешь до ста. / You count to 100.
100 рассветных снегов. / 100 dawning snows

Эта тема проста, / This is a simple subject,
Ты же знаешь как быть. / You know how to be.
Надо просто до 100 досчитать и забыть, / Simply need to count to 100 and forget,
Надо просто до 100 досчитать и забыть, / Simply need to count to 100 and forget,
Надо просто до 100 досчитать и забыть / Simply need to count to 100 and forget


Досчитай, досчитай, досчитай до 100, / Count up, count up, count up to 100,
Досчитай, досчитай, досчитай до 100, / Count up, count up, count up to 100,
Досчитай, досчитай, досчитай до 100, / Count up, count up, count up to 100,
Досчитай, досчитай, досчитай до 100. / Count up, count up, count up to 100.

4, 5, 6, 7, 8 …

100 бессонных ночей / 100 sleepless nights
В лабиринтах любви. / In love labyrinths. 
100 случайных ключей, / 100 random keys, 
А в итоге нули./ But in the end- zeros.

100 друзей, 100 врагов. / 100 friend, 100 foes
Сто растаявших льдин. / 100 melted pieces of ice
Забывай про него. 101, 101. / Forget about him. 101, 101.
Забывай про него, забывай навсегда, / Forget about him, forget forever 
Забывай про него, забывай навсегда, / Forget about him, forget forever

Досчитай, досчитай, досчитай до 100, / Count up, count up, count up to 100,
Досчитай, досчитай, досчитай до 100, / Count up, count up, count up to 100,
Досчитай, досчитай, досчитай до 100, / Count up, count up, count up to 100,
Досчитай, досчитай, досчитай до 100. / Count up to, count up to, count up to 100.
59, 60, 61, 62 …..

Досчитай, досчитай, досчитай до 100, / Count up, count up, count up to 100,
Досчитай, досчитай, досчитай до 100, / Count up, count up, count up to 100,
Досчитай, досчитай, досчитай до 100, / Count up, count up, count up to 100,
Досчитай, досчитай, досчитай до 100. / Count up, count up, count up to 100.

Досчитай, досчитай. / Count up, count up.

Song Details

The song is advice about trying to forget someone.

Lena can be heard counting 1-18, 56-81, 86-92, and 14-20, but never reaches 100.

Doshitai Do Sta (Count To 100) was recorded before Julia joined Lena in the project. The song was included in the final release of 200 Po Vstrechnoy, however, primarily features Lena with Julia providing just backing vocals on the track (http://bit.ly/1QseNdF).

In a 2010 interview on Cherry Tree Radio, Lena Katina said that they tried to create choreography for the song, but it did not work well. This was the first song to be taken out of the shows because no one liked it (http://bit.ly/1Vx3vJl). Lena Katina once again commented on the group’s dislike for the song in a 2022 interview for Star Review on Zhara TV (https://vk.com/wall-8459679_121086).

There is are two small errors in the second part of the song. Lena pronounces “itogi” (“the end”) with an “R” as “itorgi”. Lena also sings “zabivai na vsegda” (“forget forever”) as “zabivai na vsegdai”, adding an extra vowel to the ending of the word. These could be mistakes in the mixing / engineering of the song.