Что Не Хватает (Chto Ne Hvatayet / What There Is Not Enough Of)
Что не хватает тебе / What don’t you have enough of
Что ты прижалась ко мне / Why did you cling on to me
Если бы на Луне / If only on the moon
Было б чуть-чуть теплее / It was a little bit warmer
Что не хватает тебе / What don’t you have enough of
Что ты прилипла к стене / Why are you stuck to the wall
Если бы за окном / If only behind the window
Было б чуть-чуть темнее / it was a little bit darker
Ты не узнаешь, как меня зовут / You won’t find out, my name
Я не скажу тебе / I will not tell you
Что не хватает / What there is not enough of
Что-то цепляет / Something is clinging
Я не скажу тебе / I will not tell you
Не надо… / It’s not necessary…
Что превращает тебя / What transforms you
Не превращает меня / Does not transform me
В маленькой комнате / In a small room
Станет еще теснее / It will become even closer
Что замерзает в тебе / What freezes inside of you
Быстро растает во мне / Quickly melts inside of me
Если бы ты смогла / If only you could
Просто остаться здесь / Just stay here
Ты не узнаешь, как меня зовут / You won’t find out, my name
Я не скажу тебе / I will not tell you
Что не хватает / What there is not enough of
Что-то цепляет / Something is clinging
Я не скажу тебе / I will not tell you
Не надо… / It’s not necessary…
Времени нет и не будет / There is no time and there won’t be
Крикнешь, я все забуду / Scream, I’ll forget everything
Что б не случилось* / So it won’t happen*
Ночь зажигает огни / The night lights up fires
Не жалея давай / Give unselfishly
Ляжем с тобой под трамвай / We’ll lay under a trolley
И пусть все останется / And let everything stay
Так, как и там на Луне…/ Just as it is on the moon…
*This could also be translated as, “No matter what happens”
Demo 1 ft. Lena Katina & Ivan Demyan
“Chto Ne Hvatayet” is a song about someone who does not want to get closer to another person and is purposely pushing them away.
Что не хватает тебе / What don’t you have enough of
Что ты прижалась ко мне / Why did you cling on to me
Если бы на Луне / If only on the moon
Было б чуть-чуть теплее / It was a little bit warmer
The subject of the song is singing about someone new they have met. This other person likes the subject, but the subject does not want to pursue a relationship. The subject is wondering why this person is so clingy and wants to be left alone. If the moon was a little bit warmer this person could go and live there, far away from the subject so they’d never have to be bothered again.
Что не хватает тебе / What don’t you have enough of
Что ты прилипла к стене / Why are you stuck to the wall
Если бы за окном / If only behind the window
Было б чуть-чуть темнее / it was a little bit darker
The other person is really into the subject, they are constantly waiting around for them. The subject feels like they’re almost being stalked. The image painted here is that it feels like the other person is so clingy that it’s as if they are waiting for the subject outside their house to see them and if only it was a little bit darker outside the person could disappear into the darkness and the subject could easily pretend they’re not there and ignore them.
Ты не узнаешь, как меня зовут / You won’t find out, my name
Я не скажу тебе / I will not tell you
Что не хватает / What there is not enough of
Что-то цепляет / Something is clinging
Я не скажу тебе / I will not tell you
Не надо… / It’s not necessary…
The other person wants to get to know the subject more, but the subject won’t share any details, not even their name. This could mean that the two had a one night stand that was meaningless, but made the other much more interested in the subject, while the subject gives no reciprocation.
Что превращает тебя / What transforms you
Не превращает меня / Does not transform me
В маленькой комнате / In a small room
Станет еще теснее / It will become even cramped
Что замерзает в тебе / What freezes inside of you
Быстро растает во мне / Quickly melts inside of me
Если бы ты смогла / If only you could
Просто остаться здесь / Just stay here
Here the subject is letting the other person know why they cannot be together – they are too different, or the subject could be making these differences up just as an excuse for the other person to leave them alone. The subject wants the other person to “stay here” – to stay in place and stop looking for them.
Ты не узнаешь, как меня зовут / You won’t find out, my name
Я не скажу тебе / I will not tell you
Что не хватает / What there is not enough of
Что-то цепляет / Something is clinging
Я не скажу тебе / I will not tell you
Не надо… / It’s not necessary…
Once again the subject reiterates that they will not engage with the other person and the two will not be together.
Времени нет и не будет / There is no time and there won’t be
Крикнешь, я все забуду / Scream, I’ll forget everything
Что б не случилось / So it won’t happen
Ночь зажигает огни / The night lights up fires
Не жалея давай / Give unselfishly
Ляжем с тобой под трамвай / We’ll lay under a trolley
И пусть все останется / And let everything stay
Так, как и там на Луне…/ Just as it is on the moon…
Time between the two people does not and will not exists because they are not going to be part of each others’ lives as the subject has decided this. The subject will forget ever meeting them. The other person is giving their attention to the subject and is offering a relationship, but the subject wants to end it before it begins, to metaphorically kill any potential of them being together and have everything remain as it is – cold and distant.