
Wake Up Call

Take me to the nightlife
Make me feel like the world is mine
Know we’re only leaving ounce, so
Might as well just lose control
I wanna dive into the sweet ocean
Do the things no one’s done before

It’s just like a wake up call
It’s a feeling that you gotta let go
Came at me like a wake up call
Kind of feeling that you gotta let go

Let me fly higher
Spread my wings and rise above all
To the place where I belong
Baby you can set me free, ’cause
With you here I ain’t scared to fall

It’s just like a wake up call
It’s a feeling that you gotta let go
Came at me like a wake up call
Kind of feeling that you gotta let go

Wanna fly to the highest mountain
Count the stars and fall in love
Celebrate every moment
Throw a party all night long

It’s just like a wake up call
It’s a feeling that you gotta let go
Came at me like a wake up call
Kind of feeling that you gotta let go

Gotta let go…

Song Details

“Wake Up Call” has been performed live several times, but a studio version was never released.

During Lena Katina’s fan meeting on October 7th, 2018, Lena said the following about the song:

“‘Wake Up Call’ should be released very soon – the album artwork is complete.”