Vse Normal’no
дождь из машин, / rain from cars,
снег идёт вверх, / snow if falling up
кто-то один. / someone is alone.
я без помех. / I have no interferences.
линия сна, / a line of sleep,
небо-часы, / sky is a clock
ветер, весна, / wind, spring
две полосы… / two lines…
и всё нормально… / and everything is fine…
я здесь, я здесь. / I’m here, I’m here.
всё нормально… / and everything is fine…
я есть, / I exist,
слышишь? я есть! / do you hear me? I exist!
солнце упрямо / stubborn sun
в крылья больниц, / into the wings of hospitals,
и в кожу лучами, / and into the skin with sun rays,
люди без лиц. / people with no faces.
я закричала: / I screamed:
“светится Марс!“ / “Mars is glowing!”
я закричала: / I screamed:
“там не до нас!” / “They don’t have time for us there!”
а если вдруг мне повезет? / what if I get lucky?
кто-то толкнёт и отползёт. / someone will push and crawl away.
пусть никогда небо не врёт, / don’t ever let the sky lie,
первый умрёт, тот, кто толкнёт* / the first one to die is the one who pushes
*an alternative lyric is: под потолком / under the ceiling
A plane is flying
A plane is humming
Someone is simply sleeping
Someone is sitting this way
Someone – to look
Someone – to show
Someone – to fly away
Someone – to run away
And everything is fine…
I am here. I am here.
And everything is fine…
I exist! I exist!
A wagon above the ground
A platform behind the window
Someone is stupidly there
Someone is sort of an elephant
Someone to the advertisement
Someone into the ceiling
Someone (takes) somebody’s wallet from their pocket
And everything is fine…
I am here. I am here.
And everything is fine…
I exist!
Do you hear me? I exist!
I am here. I am here.
I exist!
Do you hear me? I exist!
You cannot catch up to the world.
Only “stop” and “play”.
Someone is a commander.
Someone is an ant.
Someone sees a sign.
Someone could care less.
Someone can’t…
…is scared to push the button.
And everything is fine…
I am here. I am here.
And everything is fine…
I exist! I exist!
And everything is fine…
I am here. I am here.
And everything is fine…
I exist!
Do you hear me? I exist!
And everything…
The above video was uploaded by Pasha Nekkerman to his own YouTube channel, with the title “t.A.T.u. and Plagiarism”.
The video description reads, “Ivan Kilar, member of the rock band XUDOZNIK, who also wrote the music for “Beliy Plaschik”, worked on the arrangement of “Vse Normal’no”, written by Pasha Nekkerman. “
The video shows how well the “Vse Normal’no” vocals fit the “Beliy Plaschik” instrumental”
In the comments of the video Pasha Nekkerman gave more background details:
Cyril Tesla
…where is the plagiarism? Why the title?Pasha Nekkerman
The chorus of this song is exactly the same – the solo is from my song. It is also an odd coincidence that the author of “Beliy Plaschik” was the music arranger of the song “Vse Normal’no”.Cyril Tesla
I somehow did not doubt that it was the same song, with only the chorus remaining, but understood that this is some kind of alteration to to fit the t.A.T.u.’s manner of lyrics, in compliance with all AP(?), but not at all plagiarism or theft of the basis of the author’s composition.Pasha Nekkerman
The recorded my song “Vse Normal’no”, it’s true, replacing the melody of the lead with a recitative (“recitative”: musical declamation of the kind usual in the narrative and dialogue… sung in the rhythm of ordinary speech with many words on the same note). But it seems they decided. Byt it seems they decided for __ to disappear and from the solos they stitched together “Beliy Plaschik”, attributing the authorship to the arranger boy. And they didn’t even bother to change the tempo and tonality.Cyril TeslaIn fact, I will say perhaps one thing, the song “Beliy Plaschik” and in whole its final arrangement is simply nothing when comparing it against the original – in this case, the song “Vse Normal’no” is the original authorship by its composer, “Vse Normal’no” is a genius track, but, I will mention that because of it, that in fact the t.A.T.u. version the lyric variation penetrated the soul stronger, yet it maybe in the view of my rather young age. But you could scold Ivan for such allowances, inconsistencies of authorship, etc., but on the other hand, what can you say, time has passed and he already got what was coming to him…And for t.A.T.u. fans, but everything could have been different, it really could have been, quite different, in a more positive way … Pasha Nekkerman
This was not Ivan, this was Boris Resnkiy having fun
As stated in the video by Pasha Nekkerman,“It was dedicated to a sense of fear in a person. One that always exists…outside, in transport…it’s about today’s atmosphere of fear, this is what I wanted to write about. Not about conflicts. If about a conflict, then in a global sense.”
A part of the “Vse Normal’no” lyrics from t.A.T.u.’s version were used by the Russian rock band XUDOZNIK in their song “Den’ I Nochyu” (Day and Night). The lyrics that were taken from t.A.T.u.’s version are in bold:
Rain from cars,
Snow is falling up,
I am without weapons.
You are without interferences.
A line of sleep,
Sky is a clock.
Wind, spring,
Two lines…
Two twins
Truth and lies.
What will you give me,
A flower or a knife?
What is burning there?
What has already extinguished
In your restless, scary soul?
Day and night,
Day and night,
Everything you want,
Everything you want.
Day and night,
Day and night,
Everything you want,
Everything you want.
What have you found?’
And what have you lost?
I – too much,
And you too little.
What is burning there?
What has already extinguished
In your restless, scary soul?
The one who loves
Runs blindly.
Fall in love too much
In dark places.
I will accept you
Anyway you are.
The one who loves
Carries their cross.
Day and night,
Day and night,
Everything you want,
Everything you want.
Day and night,
Day and night,
Everything you want,
Everything you want.
You can listen to this version of the song here: http://bit.ly/1MBUSZx